Graham Foundation..Groundwork: A Film Series on Alternative Modes of Engagement in Architecture Canadian Centre for Architecture, Grant Year.
SIZA exhibition, fundação Calouste Goulbenkian, Portugal, Text for the catalogue.
100 women architects in practice, London UK, book RIBA.
Jury Premio Felix Cadela, Mexico
CARLA JUAÇABA. 2G No. 88. International Architecture Review. Ed. by Moisés Puente.
SIZA TALKS, fundação Serralves, Porto, Portugal, November, 2022
President of the jury: Living Places – Simon Architecture Prize curated by Fundació Mies van der Rohe. (conversation with Ángela Garcia de Paredes on 21st June at the Mies pavilion; Jury meeting 11th November.)
Royal College of Art, Summer Exhibition 2022, Curated by Niall McLaughlin Architects and Rana Begum. London, June.
EIT Climate-KIC, New European Bauhaus Ideation Awards, Keynote Speaker, Brussels, June
International Jury, Residencias Remotas Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello, June.
Lecture Barbican Center, Architecture on Stage, The Architecture Foundation, London, April.
Interview Scaffold Podcast, by Matthew Blunderfield, London, May.
Architectural League Prize Jury, USA, March.
MAAT, Visual Natures, Curator Beatrice Leanza, Lisbon, Portugal, April.
Engawa Magazine 29, Text by Renato Bocchi, Carla´s song, Venice, May.
Revista RITA, Academic Journal, article "Poor Beauty", February.
EPFL - Affirming Actions, Rolex Learning Centre, Lausanne, org. Paolo Tombesi.
WallPaper, 25th-anniversary project, "5x5", invited by Frida Escobedo, London.
SUMMA+, 187, Edición especial Arquitectas, Text by Ruth Verde Zein and Mariana Alves Barrosa
140 Artists’ Ideas for Planet Earth, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Kostas Stasinopoulos, Penguin Books
UIA 2021 Congress-Rio de Janeiro, Keynote Speaker with Eduardo Souto de Moura and Nuno Sampaio
Venice Architecture Biennale 2021, Belgium Pavilion -Capricci, Curator Dirk Somers
Radical Architecture of the Future, Beatrice Galilee, Phaidon
NESS 3 Magazine, What´s an object? Argentina.
AAVS- Rio de Janeiro. AA -Architectural Association Visiting School, Guest Speaker
Entrevistas Brasileiras Vol.2, Editora Cobogó, Hans Ulrich Obrist
CATALOGUE 4.5 guest-edited by Hans Ulrich Obrist - 39 artists and their unrealized project, London
Serpentine Galleries - DO IT (Around the World), curator Hans Ulrich Obrist
Storefront for Art and Architecture, Ministry for All by Carla Juaçaba and Marcelo Cidade. José Esparza Chong Cuy, Executive Director and Chief Curator
November Talks, TUGraz, 2019
ARTRIBUNE Architettura e umanità. L’esempio di Carla Juaçaba, by Marta Atzeni.
Arch Forum, "In our time: A Year of Architecture in a Day", by Tatoom Doley.
Architectural Review Emerging Architectural Award 2018 - First Prize.
Galeria de Arquitectura NOTE, Exhibition "Estudo para algum projeto"Curator Bárbara Silva, Lisboa.
FINANCIAL TIMES, The best Residential Architects to commission now, by Edwin Heathcote
AREA The architectural review emerging architecture award_Winner
PUBLICO.pt_a capela metafísica de carla juaçaba, por isabel salema
DOMUS_vatican architecture. An island and its eleven chapels
Vitruvius_sereníssima_ sobre a capela efêmera de carla juaçaba em veneza, por ana luiza nobre
EL PAIS_ el vaticano invita a peregrinar por sus diez maravillosas capillas de venecial
Wallpaper_ Vatican chapels steal the glory at the Venice architecture biennale
EL PAIS_el vaticano da una lección de arquitectura en la bienal de venecia
PUBLICO.PT_ souto de moura fez uma capela para o vaticano e tocou o transcendente
NY TIMES_the most surprising entry in Venice's architecture biennale? The Vatican's
Domus_carla juacaba designs a house as a lanter, by Giulia Ricci
Folha de são paulo_território em disputa, por fernando serapião
Folha de sao paulo_portugal abre centro para preservação de acervos de arquitetos e documentos
Phaidon_brazil: a celebration of contemporary culture, por ana milheiros
Charles Renfro discusses how to build nothingness with Rio's rising architect Carla Juaçaba